PeakJet s.r.l.

Via Carlo Viola,78

11026 Pont Saint Martin (AO)


P.IVA e CF: (IT)11996680010

tel: +39 0125 361959


The approach of PeakJet is based on establishing a dialogue between technicians and customers from the earliest steps of design and for the entire lifespan of the project.

We reach a good expertise on thermal and piezo inkjet technologies and we are at customer disposal to understand the needs, study the solutions and proceed together with the project with the aim to realize a winning product from all point of view.

PeakJet is proud to work in strong synergy with ThallosJet to benefit their historical knowledge on inks development and printhead management. We are getting very good print results and printout stability on porous (paper, carton, wood, cork,….) and diverse materials like glass, polystyrol, PVC, textiles… Some inks are ready and others, suited for complex applications, will be completed on request.

Do you have a marking, coding, decoration need?

Do not hesitate to contact us to develop with us your project.



Valle d'Aosta Head Quarter

Via Carlo Viola,78
11026 Pont Saint Martin (AO)